Janice, a long-time natural, who learned to *treasure* her naturally curly hair.
Why did you get your hair relaxed? As a kid in elementary school, I remember looking at all the other kids around me who had straight hair, and I wanted to be like them. One day, I asked a neighbor how she got her hair to be straight, and she informed me that she had a relaxer. That same day, I asked my mom for a relaxer. She told me I was too young and did not need one. I was finally able to get the much desired relaxer in junior high because I really wanted my hair to be straight. My naturally curly hair seemed unmanageble, and I could never wear it down because it was so curly and frizzy. I was excited to get my hair relaxed in junior high!
Did you big chop? No.
When you get bored with your hair, what do you do? I don't ever get bored with it. I sometimes get tired of the maintenance. When I get tired of it, I comtemplate getting a relaxer or cutting it but I haven't followed through on either of them. :-)
A lot of members of the natural hair community are against cones, heat, and weaves. Are you? No, I am not. I feel that you should use what's best for your hair. I can't judge anyone's hair but mine.
How has the use of heat affected your hair? I haven't used heat on my hair in over a year. I do not remember any negative effects from using heat.

Were you ever a product junkie? Any favorites? I was at first and I can't even remember all of the products I used. I am satisfied with Noodle Head for now.
How often do you deep condition? Rarely; maybe once in 5 years.
What are some “professional” natural styles you wear? I wear my hair down mostly. I do not like headbands or clamps. I let it freely flow. I joke around and say that my hair does itself every morning! LOL!

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